“I hired Sally to work with my 17 year old daughter who was struggling with “senior year worry.” She wasn’t sure which college, which course of study, or even if college was the right next step. Sally’s approach was gently, understanding and effective. She used the right combination of listening, assessments, and self-discovery to guide her to her answers. As a mother, I was comforted by Sally’s faith-based mission. As a life coach myself, I found Sally to be the best, gifted and professional voice to deliver a solution.
If you have a child or young adult struggling with decisions, clarity or overwhelm, I highly recommend consulting with Sally. My daughter is not thriving as a freshman in college and more importantly entered with a sense of confidence that will sustain her a lifetime. I believe that wouldn’t have been possible with Sally.”
“My story starts during my Sophomore year of college. Much anxiety and fear of the future took hold of me causing me to decisions that set me back rather than propelling me forward. I had no idea what my purpose was, therefore, I came to the point where I just wanted to give up. Sally came into my life during this time and not only helped me find ways to improve myself, but spoke life into me, helped me discover why God had placed me where I was, as well as guided me in being able to understand who I am in Christ. I thought I needed to have everything figured out perfectly, but I now understand that God has specific plans for each of us, and I need to trust His for mine even if I don’t quite know all the details. I still receive encouragement and guidance from her, as well as use the tools she gave me in order to succeed. I know feel confident in myself and my purpose in life, and if it weren’t for Sally’s guidance and wisdom, I honestly do not think I would be where I am today!”
“I had a great experience working with Sally. The practices she employs help me uncover career options that align with my strengths. I am now confidently pursuing a long-term career in a field I am really excited about. I highly recommend Sally and only wish I worked with her sooner.”
—Calvin, College Graduate
“Sally is very professional, a good communicator, organized, thorough, has the heart and a strong desire to make a difference. She is kind to the young people she works with for she is very passionate about helping them understand how valuable they are.”
—Bill, Youth Pastor
“My time meeting with Sally McClellan was instrumental in growing my confidence as I searched for a new career. She helped me narrow down career possibilities as I determined what I enjoyed and wanted to pursue, and she gave me renewed faith in myself and my own strengths as I searched. With her optimistic and energetic spirit, she constantly encouraged me to believe that my dreams were within reach. Sally has a brilliant gift of highlighting and building up the strengths of others, and I would always, always, always recommend her coaching.”
—Brianna, College Student
“Sally McClellan has a gift for looking at an individual’s specific strengths and ambitions and incorporating them into an achievable goal. She has helped me personally reflect on which life goals I wanted to plausibly pursue and how I could take action steps today, this week, next month, and next year that will make those goals a reality instead of just a desire. She takes an inventory of your personal ambitions and funnels them into something achievable. I wanted to become a nurse involved with relief work in third world countries. Today, I am an RN with plans this summer to work in a clinic in Peru. Not only has she helped me achieve many of my goals, but she has also laid out a roadmap to achieving those goals without becoming financially unstable. I graduated with no college debt and am now free of the financial burdens that many graduates face. Sally is not only one of the warmest people you will have the pleasure of meeting, she’s also amazingly skilled at what she does. I’d recommend her to every young person sifting through life goals or choices.”
—Joy, Young Professional
“Sally is a natural motivator and has the unique ability to draw the best out of those around her. I had the pleasure of working directly under Sally for over three years and over that time she directly invested in me and aided me in cultivating skills which have allowed me to further my career. There were many times when I was discouraged and not sure of my abilities back when I worked with Sally (perhaps a large speaking engagement, high profile client pitch, or a marketing strategy plan). Sally genuinely believed in me and was paramount in me taking smart risks that pushed me beyond what I believed I could do at the time. Today I work for a Fortune 100 company and manage employees who are all further into their careers than I am. I know that the confidence and skills which I use on a day to day basis were many times grown and expanded back when I worked with Sally. I highly recommend her coaching skills to anyone who wants to go to the next level in their career!”
—Dan, Entrepreneur